Picture this…
You’re getting married in a few months and have all these gorgeous engagement photos just sitting around in your phone. You want to use them, but don’t know how or where. You’re not alone- when I was a bride I didn’t know what to use my engagement photos for. I was at a wedding recently and my couple had their engagement photos plastered EVERYWHERE. It was so cute and honestly unexpected! It was also amazing to see my work framed and used all throughout a venue. So here are my top tips on how & where to use your engagement photos:
- Save-The-Dates/Invites. I feel like this is an obvious one, but some people don’t use their photos for Save-The-Dates! You can make adorable cards or magnets through businesses like Canva, Zazzle, or Shutterfly. Your families will keep them forever if they have your photo on it.
- Decor. My latest wedding couple had printed large prints (11×14 & 16×20) of their engagement photos and had them put into frames around the venue. It almost reminded me of an art gallery the way people would walk around the room and stop to look at the art.
- Fun Activities. I’ve seen couples have little activities throughout the venue before, but what if you incorporated your engagement photos into the mix? I’ve seen couples have giant word searches or crossword puzzles at their receptions. Decorate those big activities with your engagement photos so your guests see them while working through the clues!
- Guest Book. This is what I did for my wedding! I designed an album with my engagement photos and made sure to leave plenty of white space on the pages for people to sign around them. I still have our guest book- it sits on our coffee table along with our wedding album.
- Favors. If you opt not to use your engagement photos for Save-The-Dates, consider using them as favors for your guests! My husband & I printed our engagement photos on decks of playing cards and had them at each table. They were favors for our guests to take and everyone loved them! Check Shutterfly for different things you can use- our families play cards a lot so this is what made sense for us!
- Thank You Postcards. It’s important to send thank you cards to your guests so why not utilize your engagement photos this way? Just like Save-The-Dates, people are more likely to hang onto it when it has a photo and is personalized to them.
The possibilities are endless when it comes to utilizing your images for your big day! I always recommend checking local first for any of your printing needs, but if you live in a small town like me, check online! Shutterfly runs massive Black Friday deals so that’s when I ordered our playing cards. My thank you postcards were ordered right after my wedding, also Black Friday but through Zazzle.