Valentine’s Elopement at WestEndGR in Grand Rapids Michigan



Happy Valentine’s Day Friends!

This is an extra special Valentine’s Day this year. I have a new session to post AND it’s my first Valentine’s Day as a wife. Are we doing anything special? Haha no. We don’t really celebrate the holiday- although we did agree to get Chinese takeout this year. It’s our favorite at-home date night accompanied with funny Youtube videos or playing a game together. I can’t help but decorate our house in reds & pinks though this time of year. It just brings a certain cheeriness to this weird weather.

At the end of January I attended a styled shoot with a focus on Valentine’s Day. As much as I love weddings, I don’t want to limit myself to that and nothing else. I think it’s important as an artist to continue pushing yourself to try new things/experiences. Hailey & Chris have been dating for 3 years so it was extra sweet to capture these photos for them! While shooting this session, I couldn’t help but think of Princess Bride. You know the scene: the one where she tumbles down the hill in the red dress after Westley. I love that movie! So funny and classic. 

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