Saying life has been crazy lately is an understatement…
I’ve had so many of you reach out after noticing me not being on social media much and I’m so so thankful for you & a couple styled shoot coordinators that have given me the grace to back out of things. March was a crazy month filled with family stuff, and it’s been a tough season of life. My husband’s grandmother got ill and passed away- we were able to spend her final week on this Earth with her at the hospital/hospice and we’re grateful for that. Right after that, my grandmother got ill and was admitted to the hospital. While she’s out and in a nursing facility now, it’s going to be a rough road for her, my grandpa, & even my mom (who’s the only one that lives near them). It’s been hard seeing my huge family in grief so I took a step back to just sit in it for awhile.
We always spend Easter with my husband’s side of the family. They’re Italian so there’s always tons of food, laughter, love, & leftovers but there was definitely a hole this year from where Grandma E used to be. I never saw her without a dessert on her plate or a smile, and it hurt this year seeing that empty spot. I remember my first year dating my husband, I brought a chocolate pecan pie to a family gathering and when she took that first bite she demanded I bring one every Thanksgiving. I’ve been blessed in this lifetime to have 6 loving grandmas (obviously not all blood related) and I’m just so happy to be a part of my husband’s family. The games we play together, the tea spilled between cousins, the cheesy potatoes we eat every holiday at Aunt Gina’s, the thousands of rounds of Euchre we play, it’s all been a blessing.
One bright spot of March was shooting Jenna & Joe’s Engagement Session. Their session took place in between hospice visits and it was a much needed happy moment. I can’t look at these and not smile. They are perfect for each other & their goofy personalities just shine through. We played with chickens & their dogs (2 things I’m passionate about). Joe’s mustache also reminds me a little of Goose from Top Gun (which I know is the Navy, not Airforce). Jenna & Joe serve our country via Airforce and will be getting married in October.
Whether or not you believe in coincidences, listen to this: Grandma E & Grandpa E were married October 19th. When Malachi and I were picking a wedding date, the only one we could find available & in budget was October 14th. We didn’t know their anniversary when planning, his Grandpa told me after we had all our vendors booked but Grandma E was so excited we picked a date close to theirs. She said we’d have to celebrate together, and it felt special. Grandma E’s health issues started happening and Jenna & Joe booked in the midst of it. Their wedding date is October 19th. Do you think this is a crazy coincidence?