Family Session at Blake’s Orchard in Armada Michigan



Happy May!

Is this month as busy for you as it is for me? I feel like I’m on one of those roller coasters that go from 0-60 in like 10 seconds and we’re not even halfway to June yet. I’ve had so many sessions this month plus a wedding that I can’t wait to share but I’m going to start with this family session.

I don’t take on many family sessions because it’s just not where my heart is, but this family has my heart because its mine! My family has always let me practice on them when I get new equipment or new skills, but I hadn’t actually done a session with them since starting my business. We were missing their 2 oldest girls- Meghan lives in OH now, & Moira took off for Chile right after her college graduation. We’ve never done family pictures without them but I thought it’d be nice to capture their new “normal” with both of them out of the house plus it was my aunt & uncle’s 30th wedding anniversary. Also, my uncle spoils us girls and it wasn’t hard to convince him to buy us cider donuts after we made him wear a flower crown. I’m telling you. Spoils. Us. 

For those of you that have heard the infamous “my grandma shot a rooster” story, you can finally put a face it! Grandma Burns turned 91 this year and she’s still active. In fact, she’s going to Ireland for 2 weeks this summer to see family.

If you’re interested in future Apple Blossom sessions at Blake’s, subscribe to my email list! Apple trees only blossom for about 10 days so dates are limited in early May. Blake’s announces as early as they can, but sometimes it is last minute (hence why you should subscribe for quick notice)!

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